About Us
Established in 2003, UIL is committed to providing quality short and long term English courses to thousands of students of all ages from around the world. UIL professionally manages and coordinates the process of assisting students with planning an academic pathway from English studies to exam preparation, along with specially designed programs to help students develop the skills for school, vocational college and university courses.
UIL is a unique TEQSA registered, NEAS accredited English language college and all UIL campuses are based within specific education precincts.
UIL must operate in accordance with the ESOS Act 2000 and The National Code 2018. https://internationaleducation.gov.au/Pages/default.aspx
The ESOS Act sets out the legal framework governing delivery of education to overseas students studying in Australia on a student visa. The Australian Government, through the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIISRTE), administers the ESOS Act and its associated instruments.
Welcome Message from Hugh Ritchie
Union Institute of Language Founder and CEO
Welcome to Union Institute of Language (UIL). Our unique campus locations, modern facilities, supportive staff and effective lessons will provide students with a wonderful opportunity to successfully complete their studies in Australia. UIL’s campuses are located in beautiful Queensland, famous for its stunning environment, friendly people and quality education. It is an ideal and safe location to study, relax and make Australian and international friends. UIL is proud to be an award-winning education institution that strongly believes in offering a caring and supportive environment for all learning. Combining the use of the latest teaching methodology and our well-developed curriculum means that all students receive the best possible English language education. This sound foundation provides an excellent basis for students’ ongoing learning and career opportunities.

Message of Endorsement from Professor Ren Yi (PHD)
Pro-Vice Chancellor (International), University of Southern Queensland (UniSQ)
It is with great pleasure that I update you that the University of Southern Queensland has successfully acquired the Union Institute of Language (UIL), and we will work together seamlessly to provide high quality language services and higher education pathways for international students pursuing undergraduate and postgraduate studies with UniSQ. UIL has been a well-established partner of the Queensland Government via Education Queensland International (EQI) and TAFE Queensland and has worked with numerous independent schools, VET providers and a number of university providers, including UniSQ, for over 20 years, specialising in bespoke study tours, primary and secondary school preparation, higher education pathways, and customised training packages for both onshore and offshore institutions. UniSQ welcomes UIL into the university family, and we are confident that our students and partners will benefit from more customised services and pathways options.

UIL has 4 campus locations in Australia: Springfield, Toowoomba, Cairns, Sunshine Coast
Springfield Campus, Queensland: UIL’s main campus. Springfield is a modern, growing community conveniently located 30 minutes from the CBD of Brisbane, Queensland’s capital city and less than 1 hour from the famous Gold Coast. The campus is located within Education City, a centre for quality education. As the largest master planned community in Australia, Springfield offers a safe and supportive multi-cultural community.
Toowoomba Campus, Queensland: UIL’s Toowoomba campus is modern and well-equipped with a wide range of facilities, support services, and recreational opportunities, which are all available for UIL students studying here. Located just 90 minutes from UIL’s Springfield campus, Toowoomba is Australia’s second most populous inland city. The UIL Toowoomba campus is accepting students for English Preparation Pathway programs, including General English, Secondary School Preparation Programs (SSPP), English for Academic Purposes, and IELTs preparation. These programs are offered at the Toowoomba campus to support students’ pathway into institutions within the greater Toowoomba region.
Cairns Campus, Queensland: In partnership with Education Queensland International (EQI), the UIL Cairns campus is located within Cairns State High School and is prepared to accept students for the High School Pathway to EQI schools and independent schools in Cairns. General English (GE) and the Secondary School Preparation Program (SSPP) are offered on campus at Cairns State High School. UIL is the only provider in Cairns offering the SSPP program. EQI and UIL’s independent school partners in Cairns can issue package offers for prospective students wishing to study SSPP, provided they meet all entry requirements for a package offer.
Sunshine Coast Campus, Queensland: In partnership with Education Queensland International (EQI), the UIL Sunshine Coast campus is ready to take students for EQI Highschool Pathway. Secondary School Preparation Programs (SSPP) are offered on campus at Chancellor State College. EQI can issue package offers for prospective students wishing to study SSSP (please note students need to meet all EQI entry requirements for a package offer to be issued). More information is available here.
Why Queensland?

Tropical Climate State: Queensland has an enviable climate and lifestyle, with most of the state having warm and sunny weather for most of the year.

Ideal Lifestyle: Queensland offers a strong economy, a high standard of living, a safe and relaxed outdoor lifestyle and excellent work experience opportunities.

5 World Heritage Sites: Queensland has five of Australia’s 11 World Heritage sites and is home to many famous landmarks including the Great Barrier Reef and world heritage rainforests in North QLD.
Queensland, a gateway to limitless learning experiences.
Queensland is Australia’s second largest state, covering 1,727,000 square kilometres and home to a population of more than 4.7 million people. With its world-class education and training providers at scenic locations from cities to country towns to the beach, students feel at home in Queensland’s safe, vibrant and relaxed environment.
Useful Information on Studying and Living in Queensland can be found on the following sites.
It is important to be aware of the indicative living costs in Australia which can be reviewed on: https://www.studyinaustralia.gov.au/english/live-in-australia/living-costs